Friday, October 27, 2006

SHF #24: Little Bites Of Delights - Strawberry Amores

Sugar High Fridays #24: Little Bites Of Delights - Strawberry Amores

Here goes another bake journal entry for a blog event, Sugar High Fridays (The brainchild of the Jennifer over at The Domestic Goddess who started this event way back in October 2004). For Sugar High Fridays #24 or in short, SHF #24, hosted by Jeanne of Cook Sister!, the theme is: Petits Fours.

I decided to showcase one of the many petits fours that i did recently for my own 21st birthday celebrations - Strawberry Amores. Petits Fours may look difficult to do at first, but with proper planning of your Mis En Place, it is indeed a joy to make and it gives me a great satisfaction to see my friends enjoy the petits fours.

Strawberry Amores are simply made by assembling a heart-shaped cutout shortcrust pastry base, pipe some strawberry chocolate gananche and topped with a heart-shaped cutout white chocolate (with pink stripes).

Complicated as it may sound, these Strawberry Amores are indeed great conversational topics during parties as your guests would be overwhelmed by the attractiveness of this petit four.

Click Here for the Roundup.